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The Artists

The members of Archangel Voices are, for the most part, engaged in various types of work as music professionals in and around New England and the Mid-Atlantic--music teachers, solo recitalists, church choir directors, college faculty and staff, and members of various other choral ensembles, including CONCORA, the New Haven Oratorio Society, and the Patriarch Tikhon Choir. The following outstanding vocalists have been part of Archangel Voices over the past ten years:


Stacey Schinas Grimaldi
Jennifer Lamson
Phred Mileski
Jessica Nevins
Tracy Thomas
Natalka Pavlovsky Weismantel

Salli-Jo D. Borden
Pamela Johnson
Meghan McGinnes
Cynthia Mellon
Katia Morosan
Mary Ann Sporcic
Margaret Tyler
Cynthia Wolcott

Colin Britt
Steven Corma
Fr. Sergius Halvorsen
Anthony Kane
Peter Perkins
Jack Pott

Anton Belov
Michael A. Ciavaglia
Thomas Cooke
Michael Ersevim
David Howe
Darian Krimm
Kevin McGoff, OFM
Joseph W. Scott
Luke Scott
Benedict Sheehan

Some History

Archangel Voices began in 2003 as a collaborative idea between its Founder and Artistic Director, Vladimir Morosan, and Fr. Sergius Halvorsen. At that time, both were serving at SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Meriden, Connecticut, where, from time to time, they had occasion to sing various liturgical solos and duets in the course of divine services, sometimes joined by one of the choir members to form a trio. Not knowing exactly how long they would continue to have the opportunity to sing together, Fr. Sergius and Vlad decided to make a recording, initially simply as a “souvenir” of their experience of singing at SS Peter and Paul, and as a fund raiser for the fledgling organization of Orthodox church musicians, PSALM. With the help of Stacey Schinas Grimaldi, a professional soprano who was a member of St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Orange, Connecticut, a group of eight top-caliber voices was assembled to record an CD that would focus on small-ensemble liturgical works for both women’s and men’s voices, as a way of demonstrating the beauty that could be achieved in liturgical singing even with a relatively small contingent of singers. The title of the first CD was “With the Voice of the Archangel,” named after the initial track, the Magnification for the feast of the Annunciation.

Our initial CD was so well received that two years later, in the fall of 2005, we decided to record another one, this time dedicated to the hymnography and carols of the Nativity of Christ, including the pre-festal period leading up to it. This time the size of the group was expanded to twelve singers, and we were extremely fortunate to have the services of Natalka Pavlovsky Weismantel as Music Producer. By this time it was apparent that the group needed a name, and in a moment of inspiration, the name “Archangel Voices” came to us, providing an obvious connection with the initial CD.

The experience of working on “Christ Is Born! Give Glory!” proved to be so rewarding for everyone concerned, that although the group did not have a continuous existence after the recording sessions, every singer except one was able to enthusiastically answer the call when it was decided to record “Resurrection!” in the spring of 2006. Joined by two additional singers, Archangel Voices was now thirteen strong.

Shortly after recording “Resurrection!” Vlad and his wife Helen moved from Connecticut to San Diego, California. The increased distance did not affect the work of Archangel Voices, however. In the fall of 2007, we gathered again, this time sixteen voices strong, to record “Master, Bless!” Although we were sorry to leave the familiar confines and rewarding acoustics of SS Peter and Paul Church, we found an equally welcoming acoustic environment at St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Orange, Connecticut, which had the advantage of being in a quieter location for recording purposes. We were also pleased to welcome composer Roman Hurko as Music Producer for this project.

The interior of St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, Orange, Connecticut

St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, Orange, Connecticut

In 2009 Archangel Voices recorded "Lamentations" once again in the splendid acoustics of
St Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, Orange, Connecticut.

In 2013 Archangel Voices returned to St Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Orange, Connecticut to record "Panagia."

On June 8, 2013, following the recording sessions for "Panagia," Archangel Voices made their first concert appearance as part of the "Music on the Mount" concert series, at Holy Trinity Church, Danbury, Connecticut.