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Lamentations: Orthodox Chants of Holy Week

The best-loved hymns of Holy Week, drawing from Byzantine, (Greek, Antiochian, and Romanian traditions), Serbian, Russian, and Bulgarian repertories, are sung by a professional-level ensemble in the glorious acoustics of St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Orange. Connecticut. Some initial reviews include: "...[the singers] launched out into deep waters of choral beauty that I have really never heard. It was really stunning!" "This project took my breath away!" "...beautiful blend and unified ensemble on a high level of artistry."

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Listeners write: "A stunning journey into deep waters of choral beauty!"

"...beautiful blend and unified ensemble on a high level of artistry."

"What a wonderful gift to Orthodox America!"

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BONUS TRACKS (Right-click track title to download mp3 file)

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BONUS 1: Troparion “When the Glorious Disciples” ~ Kievan Chant, arr. V. Morosan
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BONUS 2: Troparion “By Your Precious Blood” ~ Russian "Greek" Chant, arr.Yaichkov
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BONUS 3: Kontakion “He Who Closed the Abyss” ~ Lesser Znamenny Chant, arr. Solovyov
1. "Alleluia. Behold the Bridegroom" ~ Kievan Chant, Anonymous 18th-c.
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2. "Alleluia. Behold the Bridegroom" ~ Byzantine Chant (ed. A. Khalil, V. Morosan)
3. "Alleluia. Behold the Bridegroom" ~ Kievan, Chant, arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakov
4. Exaposteilarion: "Thy Bridal Chamber" ~ Byzantine Chant, arr. A. Khalil
5. Heirmos of the 9th Ode of Holy Thursday : "Come, O Faithful" ~ Lesser Znamenny chant
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6. Antiphon XV from Holy Friday Matins ~ Dcn. Sergius Trubachov
7. Kontakion "Come, Let Us All Sing" ~ Common Russian Chant, arr. A. Kastalsky
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8. Exaposteilarion: "The Wise Thief" ~ Maia Aprahamian
9. Exaposteilarion: "The Wise Thief" ~ Maia Aprahamian
10. Exaposteilarion: "The Wise Thief" ~ Alexander Kastalsky
11. Aposticha of Holy Friday ~ Optino Monastery Chant (Automelon)
12. Dosaxtichon of Holy Friday ~ Pskov Melody, arr. H. Benigson
13. " The Noble Joseph; When Thou Didst Descend; The Angel Came" ~ Byzantine Chant (Modern Greek Harmonization)
14. Lamentations, Stasis 1 ~ Zaitsev; Byzantine (Hristov; Romanian)
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15. Lamentations, Stasis 2 ~ Byzantine (Antiochian; Romanian); Serbian; Zaitsev
16. Lamentations, Stasis 3 ~ Byzantine (Antiochian; Romanian, Greek)
17. Resurrectional Troparia (Evlogetaria) ~ Byzantine Chant, Petros Peloponnesios, arr. Papa Ephraim (ed. A. Khalil, V. Morosan)
18. Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 1 ~ Lesser Znamenny Chant
19. Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 3 ~ Lesser Znamenny Chant
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20. Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 5 ~ Lesser Znamenny Chant
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21. Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 8 ~ Lesser Znamenny Chant
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22. Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 9 ~ Lesser Znamenny Chant
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23. "The Noble Joseph" ~ Bulgarian Chant
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24. "Come, Let Us Bless Joseph" ~ Dmitry Bortiansky